ESTD. 1915


Principal's Message

I revere the founder and congratulate all associated with the Christ Church Boys’ Hostel as it completes its centenary in 2015 with its glorious past.

Our hostel caters to the educational needs and directs its efforts towards the all round development of children coming from nearby villages of Jabalpur. It is known for the exemplary service it has given selflessly for moulding children into becoming responsible individuals over the years.

The native innocent lad is trained, disciplined and groomed into a thorough gentleman to move on to face the challenge of life. The spade work done by the staff is commendable.

On this occasion I congratulate our Bishop and Chairman, Deputy Moderator. The Most Rev. Dr. P C Singh, Mrs N Singh, Superintendent Mr F H Claudius and the staff for nurturing and taking care of the well being of our boys and providing a homely atmosphere to them.

May God continue to bless you and help you to carry on the tradition of good work and prepare many young boys for a bright and happy future.

Mrs. L M Sathe
(Principal - CBSE)